PCCW Organization

(Parish Council of Catholic Women)





(photo) PCCW Regional Meeting was held at St. Benedict church in December 2017.  Members shown with gifts donated to Options for Women.

Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 2:00PM in the Parish Hall with lunch and Bingo beginning at 12 Noon.  (Verify time)



Prayer to Our Lady of Good Counsel

(Patroness of the National Council of Catholic Women)


God of Heavenly Wisdom, You have given us Mary, Mother of Jesus, to be our guide and counselor.  Grant that we may always seek her motherly help in this life and so enjoy her blessed presence in the life to come.  O, Mother of Good Counsel, Patroness of the National Council of Catholic Women, intercede for us that we may be wise, courageous, and loving leaders of the Church.  Help us, Dear Mother, to know the mind of Jesus, your Son.  May the Holy Spirit fill us with reverence for God's creation, and compassion for all God's children.  May our labors of love on earth enhance the reign of God and may God's gifts of faith and living hope prepare us for the fullness of the world to come.  Amen.


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